Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Beginning

Just very recently, about two months ago, my relationship with Christ was taken to the next level. I decided to live for Him and Him ALONE, and since then He has begun to change me and shape me. There have been so many incredible things that have happened since July 6, and this blog will be the place where I record them.

For starters a certain girl that I have been praying for (since July 6) became a Christian today!!! I could not contain my excitement! More than ever lately, God has shown that He answers prayer. He is so faithful! I've had some conflict with this girl in the past, but tonight I gave up all of my grudges and bitterness toward her and gave it to God. I can't love her perfectly, but I can let God love her through me. This entire experience has shown me a lot about myself and how I tend to place blame for problems anywhere but on my own head. I have made so many mistakes, but God has forgiven me.

Secondly I am finding more and more Christians at my high school. It is so encouraging to know that I am not alone! I've begun to get to know several of them, and some of us are trying to get a Bible study together. It's amazing what God can do if you just let Him.

Finally, my broken heart is beginning to heal. Love is a really funny thing, and sometimes it can be extremely painful, so that's why Love needs to wait. Love needs to wait until the time is right. In fact...

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken Love until it so desires."
Song of Songs 3: 5

I chose this one in particular because it talked about deer, but in all seriousness, it's definitely a verse to live by. Purity is such a precious gift, and it is vital that we as women protect it.

Everything pales in comparison to God's saving work. When I learned that my friend had accepted Christ, I immediately became aware of all the places that I was preventing God from working in me. Sometimes it's so hard to give someone else control of your life, knowing that it won't go exactly like you want it to. But I'm giving control of my life to the Lord of the Universe. The Creator of Everything loves me and wants to use my life to further His kingdom? That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. I just need to let Him have it.

"I can guarantee that there will be more happiness in heaven over one person who turns to God and changes the way he thinks than over 99 people who already have turned to God and have his approval."
Luke 15:7

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