Sunday, December 15, 2013

Faith Response

Regarding what my faith means to me, I’ll have to start with a little background of personal (although shared by others that I’ve talked to) philosophy and worldview, along with a smidgen of the nature of humanity. You might have heard some of this before or already agree with it, but bear with me, if you don’t mind.

            So this God I believe in is basically the Creator of Everything. Without Him, there would be absolute nothingness. He is unaffected by the laws of the universe because He created them—time, gravity, all of it. He is absolutely perfect in every aspect of His being.

            So God created the universe, and He created us. We are His children, and as His beloved creations, He wants to have a personal relationship with each one of us. Along with being all-powerful, God is also the epitome of unconditional love, or agape in the Greek. Several times in the Bible God is referred to as being Love itself. I’m sure you know about the Garden of Eden and the fall of man. If you think about it, this is an incredible expression of God’s love for us. Agape, for us as humans, is a decision. You decide if you’re going to love and devote yourself to someone in that way. Doing something because you’re forced or obligated to is not an expression of love at all. This is why God allowed us to have free will. A relationship has two sides, and the love goes both ways. He loves us so much, He didn’t force us to love Him like little pre-programmed robots. He lets us choose. He loves us either way, but He will let us decide whether or not we want to enter that relationship with Him.

A little bit about that whole love thing. You can say you love someone, fine, but that doesn’t mean a thing unless you live like what you say is true. And the love I’m talking about means sacrificing your own wants and needs for the good of the other person, not just love as a feeling. God is absolutely perfect, but since we as humans are obviously not, we’re not compatible with God in our state of imperfection. That’s why God sent Jesus. John 1:1 and 2 says, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.” This “Word” is Jesus. God’s plan from the beginning was to use Jesus to make a relationship with Him possible. Since we are imperfect, as already stated, we needed something to atone and pay for our sins. Jesus was crucified on a Roman cross, died, and was buried in order to serve as that atoning sacrifice.

I’m so sorry this took like seven years.

Monday, July 9, 2012

What is a Growing Follower of Christ?

Someone in a relationship with God. Someone who He is changing every day to become more like Himself.
John 13:34,35
Matthew 4:18
Matthew 16:23

Give all you can to God and let Him change you.
-effort into relationship
-spiritual fruit (Galatians)
-lives in the word daily
-other believers

Monday, May 28, 2012

Last Leaf

A cover of an OkGo song that I did recently. Acoustic guitar and Garage Band!

Saturday, April 21, 2012


There was nothing.
A very tiny place in the universe with a lot of energy began to expand to create mater.
And everything was.
But how does the universe support life?
The universe is so precisely set, if you change on little detail, everything goes "flop."
No life.
How could an explosion create that?

Most scientists who have studied the problem agree that the odds against more than 60 delicate balances occurring by accident is so large that it cannot be the real answer, unless there are extraordinary circumstances. Multiverse is possible. There are many, almost infinity. If there are so many, (zillions) at least one could support life.


Psalms is one of the most beautiful books in the Bible. I was reading in the 40s and some verses jumped out at me.

"He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God."
Psalm 40:3

"I proclaim righteousness in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips, as You know, O Lord. I do not hide Your righteousness in my heart; I speak of your faithfulness and salvation. I do not conceal Your love and Your truth from the great assembly."
Psalm 40:9-10

This was especially impactive since I've been learning a lot lately about living my faith instead of simply wearing the title of a Christian.

Perspective In Ordinary Life-Psalm 1

The Psalms take us from what we think is true to what really is true.
Psalms have the power to change our mindset. They give us knowledge that will last.
Psalm 1: An Ordinary Life
-a wisdom psalm
-uphold virtues of godliness
-compare the righteous life with wicked life
In the beginning-two lives. Who's side are you on?
"The Road Not Taken"
How we should live.
Blessed-the Psalms have been given to us for our good. It's by grace we walk on the righteous path.
Comparing makes each view stronger.
1st verse is an example of the progression of sin
3rd verse-portrait of a life of godliness

Sunday, September 4, 2011

The Beginning

Just very recently, about two months ago, my relationship with Christ was taken to the next level. I decided to live for Him and Him ALONE, and since then He has begun to change me and shape me. There have been so many incredible things that have happened since July 6, and this blog will be the place where I record them.

For starters a certain girl that I have been praying for (since July 6) became a Christian today!!! I could not contain my excitement! More than ever lately, God has shown that He answers prayer. He is so faithful! I've had some conflict with this girl in the past, but tonight I gave up all of my grudges and bitterness toward her and gave it to God. I can't love her perfectly, but I can let God love her through me. This entire experience has shown me a lot about myself and how I tend to place blame for problems anywhere but on my own head. I have made so many mistakes, but God has forgiven me.

Secondly I am finding more and more Christians at my high school. It is so encouraging to know that I am not alone! I've begun to get to know several of them, and some of us are trying to get a Bible study together. It's amazing what God can do if you just let Him.

Finally, my broken heart is beginning to heal. Love is a really funny thing, and sometimes it can be extremely painful, so that's why Love needs to wait. Love needs to wait until the time is right. In fact...

"Daughters of Jerusalem, I charge you by the gazelles and by the does of the field: Do not arouse or awaken Love until it so desires."
Song of Songs 3: 5

I chose this one in particular because it talked about deer, but in all seriousness, it's definitely a verse to live by. Purity is such a precious gift, and it is vital that we as women protect it.

Everything pales in comparison to God's saving work. When I learned that my friend had accepted Christ, I immediately became aware of all the places that I was preventing God from working in me. Sometimes it's so hard to give someone else control of your life, knowing that it won't go exactly like you want it to. But I'm giving control of my life to the Lord of the Universe. The Creator of Everything loves me and wants to use my life to further His kingdom? That sounds like a pretty sweet deal to me. I just need to let Him have it.

"I can guarantee that there will be more happiness in heaven over one person who turns to God and changes the way he thinks than over 99 people who already have turned to God and have his approval."
Luke 15:7